The Harley Street Breast Clinic

Routine and rapid breast screening with same-day diagnosis, advice and treatments for all breast problems.

3rd Floor, 148 Harley Street, London, W1G 7LG

Management of breast problems

At The Harley Street Breast Clinic, our experts use the newest techniques to ensure each breast problem is dealt with in the best possible way.

  • New cancer drug trials
    Wednesday 15th February 2012

    In the 'bad old days', people with cancer died quickly but thankfully now it is almost always a chronic long term disease. Patients with many types of breast cancer can be cured. In fact, due to better multi-disciplinary care that includes the most modern targeted drugs, the list of cancers that may be cured is becoming longer all the time.

  • Armed Antibodies
    Tuesday 7th February 2012

    Some of the most effective drugs ever used are called antibodies, one of the best examples of which is Herceptin in breast cancer. These are proteins made to target specific molecules on the surface of cancer cells. When they bind to the cancer cells, the cancer cells are killed in a complex way involving activation of the immune system.

  • Page 8 of 8 for 37 Articles.

Contact our Breast Care Team

If you would like to book an appointment or if you are a doctor who would like to refer a patient then please call our Breast Care Team on +44 (0)20 7908 6071 or email us here.

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